iCashCars Privacy Notice ("Notice")
iCashCars is a UK digital automotive marketplace

iCashCars products and services, we need to collect and process certain information about you.

The Services provided by iCashCars involve collecting and processing information and personal data from:

  • 1) Automobile Traders, and
  • 2) Automobile Sellers/Customers

Automobile sellers provide us with personal data on our Website when they seek valuation of their vehicles. After this first step, our sales team contacts the customer to seek further information and details about the customer and the vehicle.

The Traders provide us with their personal data when they register with us through our website and after the first step of registration is completed, they may be formally registered with iCashCars Trader’s Portal after their information is double checked by us. Once registered on to the Trader’s Portal, the Traders are able to buy leads and subsequently vehicles, through the iCashCars Trader’s App (the “App”).

Thus, the scope of our Services involves collection and processing of personal data relating to automobile traders who seek to get registered on our Trader’s Portal (the “Traders”) and also automobile sellers/customers (the “Customers/Sellers”) who seek to sell their vehicle through our website to us or to any of the Traders registered with iCashCars.

This Notice and our Cookies Policy apply to all visitors to and users of:

the iCashCars website at https://icashcars.co.uk/ (the " Website");
any iCashCars website that links to this Notice and/or our Cookies Policy
iCashCars social media accounts;
iCashCars mobile devices and Applications ("Apps").
It also applies to anyone contacting us by phone, SMS, e-mail, in letters and other correspondence, in person and via social media.


For the purposes of this Notice, the data controller is iCashCars Limited (registered in England and Wales under company registration number 11063712) having its registered office address is at iCashCars Limited, Pinescope, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham Berkshire. If you have any questions regarding the use of your personal data please contact us at: legal@icashcars.co.uk , or Data Protection, iCashCars Limited, Pinescope, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham Berkshire, RG40 3ND.